Planet Junkion Planned Obsolescence

I’m a Trash World Conquistador of Planet Junkion.


All this Chinese junk ends up in a landfill in the third world. To MAGA we need to rid ourselves of Planned Obsolescence, the building of armaments and universal debt.


Nelly Furtado the Young Papess

Papess Tarot

Nelly Furtado is the High Priestess of NWO one world religion. I’ve been hearing her voice since Pope John Paul II came to BC place in 1984.
A Priestess order is mentioned in the bible as the Daughters of Jerusalem or Zion, Jesus mentions them. It just so happens that the Apostle Paul refers to Jerusalem as “the Mother (Goddess) of us all.” These Priestesses worn headbands with moon symbols. Celtic Priestesses also wore these lunar crescent headbands.
More on the High Priestess of early Chritianity here.
Lenny is Nelly off by one letter. People are in a love/hate relationship with Jude Law. We are theosphists who only take what is best from all the religions. That’s what the UN wants from me.
The HP has a secret. The Pomegranates. It makes older women fertile. Bridgette Nielsen’s secret for having a baby at 54.

The Duality of Madonna

Madonna Duality

Madonna’s Illuminati Jacket is about the Whore of Babylon and the Cosmic Shekinah. The Shekinah is a cloud that protects the Jews. Madonna can have bad days and good days of Dark or Light. She wants her child to play in the stadium of light where the motto is E PLURIBUS UNUM out of many 1. Just like America.

The Freemason soulless devastators make the Jews out to be the bad man. So my friend Christus Rex made the women an Illuminati league of their own. It all started with GI Joe desecrating the sacred parchment.