Pussy Riot VS Quiet Riot

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” — JFK
everybody speaks about peace in front of phallic obelisks.
nadya is so happy she could cry
OBelisk has power….


Bush runs washington….jacob rothschild city of london…pope francis obelisk in rome….david de rothschild needs a hero like oliver north to be benevolent savior of israel

Voting For Nelly Furtao

green nelly would give u tungsten everlasting Nikola Tesla lightbulb
Or keep destroying the country with Justin T’s black gold
i see audrey protesting and getting no results…takes star power to cede the province to her.


this is good vs evil

darkness against light

Jerusalem/Moshiach Now

israel has been crying since 2002…especially stewardess

My hand is withering when i sleep

Takes NF to go to jerusalem with lucky one…put it in the wall…hand it out…money talks