We control what matters because we control the mind. Reality is inside the TELEVISION. You will learn by degrees, Joe Canuck. There is nothing that we can’t do!!!
Where is shopping cart footage? CONEHEAD? you were out of funding and about to get cancelled so u made NF ride to the studio in a shopping cart….
she saved your show when u were aboot to go broke…michael jackson was wrong so take off the roosevelt button…america would still be a broke joke superpower even with “Teddy’s” resurrected corpse running the cuntry
We control what matters because we control the mind. Reality is inside the TELEVISION. You will learn by degrees, Joe Canuck. There is nothing that we can’t do!!!
If you want a picture of the future, imagine an elephant stamping on a clown’s face – for ever.
– George Orwell
1984. Part 3, Chapter 3. O’Brien explains the Party’s vision of the future to Winston, as he tortures him in the Ministry of Love.
What frightens U MORE MR JEW KICK?
the pasty white mask? Or the pastier face behind the mask?
Where is shopping cart footage? CONEHEAD? you were out of funding and about to get cancelled so u made NF ride to the studio in a shopping cart….
she saved your show when u were aboot to go broke…michael jackson was wrong so take off the roosevelt button…america would still be a broke joke superpower even with “Teddy’s” resurrected corpse running the cuntry
Aboot? ABOOT??
ha ha ha
its ABOUT…canadian fools
america will never go broke…lone superpower Canuckistanis….we are about to go win with General Charlie Sheen leading the war effort in IRAN
I got a plan…for Canuckistan
you NUKE us sheen and we will poison your water supply:
oh, wait, u already did that to yourselves…canaduh is WINNING
patented…like Nikola Tesla’s winning patents Elon Musk bought from the FBI
how u like that american Justice JOE?
ha LOL
malibu messiah
condor of calabassas
damn u american PIGS
enslaving a billion Chinese to make your garbage lightbulbs….and planned obsolete Tesla race cars