Madonna Ends Bull Market

Madonna Bull Horns

Madonna grabs the devil or the bull by the horns. It looks like the bull market is ending. Time to sell short and swindle the bleating market sheep. This sort of thing happens every 7 or 8 years.

Bull Vs Bear

Short selling is a dirty word at brokerage houses. It’s time for a doomsday short. Suze Orman doesn’t want us to sell our retirees short.

Madonna Templar Cross

Madonna wears the templar cross. She wants Moshiach to come and build the third temple and lead the Jews into Utopia.

Templar Cross

Anders Breivik is the leader of the Templars. Maybe he is the messiah. The leader of the Knights of Christ.

Madonna Magic Circle

The minotaur devils wearing masks create a magic circle around Madonna.

Eyes Wide Shut Magic Circle

“The Magic Circle of Solomon” is an essential piece of occult lore which may be familiar to most. This is a general term used to describe the protective seal that surrounds a magician as he preforms his most dangerous work… Often it is seen drawn on the floor, surrounding and shielding the magician, while the magical operation occurs within a separate circle.

The name references King Solomon the Wise of the Old Testament, the ancient magician said to command an army of spirits through the use of Kabalistic talismans.

Madonna Bull Mask

The bull wears a mask like in Stanley Kubrick’s movie “Eyes Wide Shut”

Eyes Wide Shut Mask

These devil bulls are Illuminati.

Madonna Triumph

Madonna triumphs over these devil bulls.

Madonna Zarathrustra

She ends with a quote from Nietzsche. Madonna is waiting for the ubermench. The Superman.


Look no further Madonna. You have found him. WOOOO! Ric Flair is the messiah. That is who Madonna wrote the track “Messiah” for. Ric Flair.

0 Replies to “Madonna Ends Bull Market”

  1. Ric Flair is more ape than man.


    Chris Jericho. Y2J had his second coming. Or HHH King of Kings. Your dad watches too much wrestling

  2. [img][/img]

    She was singing for you Lucifer. Living for the love of Lucifer.

  3. Why do you want to redeem this old whore? Mark Dice says she’s a singing prostitute. Pastor Richards says she is the whore of babylon. You and prostitutes Yeshua.

  4. The angels protect her:

    “I have core strength, and I know that saved me,” she said. “That and my guardian angels. I believe that there’s the physical world and the metaphysical world and I do believe that they are intertwined – as above, so below. So I think both were at work in the protection of me.”

  5. I’ve read his manifesto as well, not all of it as I’ve skipped a few pages here and there, but I didn’t see him as brainwashed as you say.

  6. Madonna’s heart is pierced by arrows. It reminds me of one of my psalms.


    Psalm 45:5
    Let your sharp arrows pierce the hearts of the king’s enemies; let the nations fall beneath your feet.

  7. Madonna tried to be Joan of Arc but Alex Jones belittled her.


    I hate Alex Jones and Mark Dice. They never tell the truth about celebrities. They think all celebrities are dumb and that they are the smart ones. They are nothing but gatekeepers like Noam Chomsky.

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